Tuesday 11 November 2008

Marzipan Dragon

We all have personality disorders now
Nick Cohen
Published 11 July 2005

If you're happy or sad, neat or messy, outgoing or withdrawn, you've got a symptom. Nick Cohen argues that psychiatry has expanded by pathologising everyday life.

Social functioning is not based on truth#, but on the success rate. A diagnosis of Eccentricity or Schizotypal is valid if repeated often enough. On the Millon Spinning Top this the Detached Existential position is no guarantee of forecasting what the Other will do so it is effectively useless as a measure of truth, and is just a tendency.
(#The truth is Wensleydale with Cranberries is made with poor quality cheese, but it tastes good all the same. Therefore it may be eaten repeatedly. Likewise, the Marzipan Dragon INFP may get gobbled up at the feeding grounds.)

Suppose, the Schizotypal Eccentric Disorder is re-described as the Information Deficit Disorder. Then if the disordered person is give the information he needs (not continually lied to by the Bullies*) he can therefore adjust his existential position and become Discordant (Assertive-Sadistic) or whatever. It may be that sadists tend to attack eccentrics. So in the presence of a sadist, it may be best policy to act in another manner, narcissist or skeptical. If you notice that the twat is there at all, which an eccentric might not.

(*Bureaucrats are often Bullies ESTJ and they can only operate if they are given the functional inadequate information pertaining to their role. Their Judgement restriction does not allow them time to listen to your arguments. This behaviour may become ingrained after a lifetime of paper shuffling.)

To get educated about people, personal relations and emotional intelligence, is gaining the necessary information to navigate (girl guide) through the realms of personal and political relations.

In other words the Millon Map is faulty and so are all the conclusions drawn from it. And all the Personality Disorder theory as well. It is a game where psychologists can rip off the taxpayer. This is the Ambivalent Skeptical position, he said with a lack of Exuberance.

My interpretation is that a malignant Narcissist does not have to behave like he does. All the examples I have suffered from indicates it is a life-long affliction. Maybe, it requires psychic energy to behave in another way. One way would be to use a Statistical Syllogism to forecast the probability of an Eccentric or Sadist to continue to operate in his preferred Personality Disorder under set parameters. Or when the Eccentric would act Melancholic or Timorous, or the Sadist act Explosive-Contrite or Tyrannical.

It is best to treat others as human beings rather than sex objects or slave operating commodities. It requires more effort though. Negative emotions recharge quicker than positive ones.


Perseus said...

New URL: http://www.newstatesman.com/node/151052

Perseus said...

New link: http://www.newstatesman.com/node/151052