Friday 21 November 2008

Self Analysis

I am definitely an INTP, but very close to a XNXP. Thinking (Rational type by the David Keirsey book) is low because the resolution component is not high (sometimes negligible) like proper Thinkers. This is experience and deduction and might not be in the books. Lack of resolution has made me easily revert to the Dragon.

My stress level is marked by hypersensitivty to relationships (INTP), with only a temptation to impulsive action (INFP). The temptation is baulked by the the Thinking process. It is all very clevery thought out.

Note my job choice if I had the opportunity (limited use made of) in order would be:

Writer (INXP style)

Strategic Planner (INTP)

Graphics Designer (INFP)

Researcher (INFP)

Professor (INXP)

Environmental Planner (INTJ)

Staff Development (INTP)

Poet/Novelist/Playright (INFJ)

Bar Owner/Art Director (ENTP)

Recreation Director (ENFJ)

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