Friday 6 March 2009

Jungian System Illusions

Originally Posted by Inappropriate Behavior
I'm thinking TPIN. At least that's the order I see for myself.


This is very interesting and if your self analysis is true, I conclude it actually makes the whole Myers-Briggs Jungian style flawed and an illusion.

How did I reach this conclusion: PNIT (as I am an Introvert not an Extrovert, just a careless mistake)

Using my primary process Perception, I did not judge this world view to be correct until I looked into it further
My auxiliary Intuition said it was ingenious
My Introvert said "keep my mouth shut to the INTJs" (cause they would crucify me)
My Thinking said it was an "inductive leap" and all the problems such leaps cause.

I still a supporter of this way of thinking cause it is better than Millon.

I expect anybody with a Perception level of 11.5/12 and knowledge (Intuition) and thinking (IQ 122+) could actually reach the same conclusion. The snag is nobody will believe it because their Perception is rarely than high.

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