Tuesday 19 January 2010

Notes on Imagination (INTP Central Thread)

Inductive Leaps
Originally Posted by Chucklebug View Post
Does intuition (Ni and Ne) simply correlate with imagination, or is it something more specific than that? Or does it correlate with the abstract world in general, of which imagination is just one aspect?



Perseus System says Imagination is Inductive Leaps and the mode is Perception. Intuition is liable to diminish Imagination.



Perseus said...

Political World
Originally Posted by Chucklebug View Post
I think it's rather strange that it is so difficult for people to agree merely on the definition of intuition in the MBTI sense. What use is personality typing if everyone has a different idea of it?

I personally thought intuition was the preference of percieving possibilities at the expense of realities. And therefore by this definition it seems to me that imagination=intuition.

Intuition is the apparent ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason.[1] “The word ‘intuition’ comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning ‘to look inside’ or ‘to contemplate’."[2] Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify. For this reason, it has been the subject of study in psychology, as well as a topic of interest in the supernatural. The "right brain" is popularly associated with intuitive processes such as aesthetic abilities.[3][4][5] Some scientists have contended that intuition is associated with innovation in scientific discovery.[6] Intuition is also a common subject of New Age writings.


Comment: The Perseus System equates Intuition with a grasp of Political Reality which has nothing to do with imagination or discovery. Perception is a different mode.

Perseus said...

Originally Posted by pangolin View Post
Imagination, generally, is the ability to picture things that you've never really seen. This applies to sound as well, though I don't know if there is any way to say that in English without using the word 'imagine'. I suppose it might apply to other senses as well, but those tend to be more elemental, whereas sight and sound are more composite.

Intuition, per typology, is the ability to notice abstract relationships, and generally relies on more subconscious computation than Sensing. Introverted Intuition arguably deals with generating scenarios and is probably consequently involved in imagination.

Most so called Imagination is merely Composition, the rearrangement of sense impressions as the Artist ISFP views the world. The NP goes one step further and asks questions. The PN rearranges the composition within an introspective framework. This is fantastic.

In the smoke-filled Committee Room a compromise was painfully worked out.

Then the Guards SJ and Dog Soldiers ISTJ enforce the decision made by ...???


Perseus said...

New Picture Book
Originally Posted by Opposite_of_INTP View Post
That quote is vague, it could means many different things. How does introspection == imagination? Introspection is looking in yourself to define who you are. Imagination is forming mental images etc...

Why do I feel a huge "Sensors" bias on this forum? Is it because they don't have enough Nobel Prizes for you people?
In political terms (Intuition) this is called "dancing to the tune of the orchestra". In perceptions-imagination terms it is the "new picture book".

The latter are called Lizards or Snakes.