Sunday 28 February 2010

XXXX Fairy Loaf

He/she was sponged up all the ancient knowledge from Arcania and now she is a well rounded person, but stone dead inside. A rolling stone collects no moss and rolls down the hill to the bottom under the sea with the urchins and is called the Fairy Loaf.

Fairy Loaves - Sussex

Pull (2003) made a detailed study of the folklore surrounding fossil echinoids from the Chalk in the county of Sussex. Various names have been applied to these fossils, including Sugar Loaves, Fairy Loaves, Shepherd's Crowns and Pixies' Helmets. They were once frequently displayed on the windowsills of Sussex cottages.

When questioned by John Pull in 1938, the occupants of the cottages usually regarded them as harbingers of good luck, but some believed that they prevented the cottage from being struck by lightning or were useful in predicting rain. The last of these beliefs may have a basis because any moisture present in the atmosphere may condense on the fossil first.

In both Sussex and East Anglia, Fairy Loaves are also associated with fairy men, asfarisses or ferrishers comes from the Gaelic word fear sidhean (fairy men) (Evans 1966). According to Lindahl et al. (2000). others considered that the marks on these echinoid fossils resembled claw marks, and thus called these fossil sea urchins eagle stones.

* Need cracks in the pavement, the property landed building interests, otherwise you are a tramp.

Doers not have to be a Fairy Loaf. It could be Shepherd's Bush > Shepherd's Crown.

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